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FORTUNE Version 4.10
Copyright (c) 1986,1987 by Christopher D. Orr. All rights reserved.
FORTUNE VERSION 4.10 is currently distributed as User Supported
Software. With a few restrictions, this allows the
program, although copyrighted, to be freely copied and
This product must be copied and distributed as a complete
package. This includes the FORTUNE 4.10 program (FORTUNE.COM),
this documentation file (FORTUNE.DOC), (BYE.LNS), (FORTCONV.COM),
and (FORTCONV.DOC). FORTUNE 4.10 is copyrighted and may not be
distributed if altered or modified in any way (with the exception
of the BYE.LNS file - you may add fortunes, but please don't delete
any.) Finally, no fee is to be charged for copying or distributing
the programs without my written permission.
In short, FORTUNE 4.10 may be copied and distributed to
anyone who wishes it as long as it is a complete unmodified
package including the program and documentation and no fee
is charged.
Christopher D. Orr
1907 Willow Park Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18017
* Any MS-DOS computer
* DOS 2.0 or above
[C:\] FORTUNE {-acdfnprs{l}##} {your_name}
Floppy Disk Users:
Place FORTUNE on your DOS disk for use. Whenever you want to use FORTUNE,
you will use it from your DOS disk. Additionally, place the following line in
your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
SET NAME=your_name
where your_name if the name you would like to addressed as. The maximum length
your name can be is 50 characters.
Hard Disk Users:
FORTUNE and its data files can be stored in any directory. If the directory
name is included in the path definition, FORTUNE will find its data files.
Addionally, place the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
SET NAME=your_name
where your_name if the name you would like to addressed as. The maximum length
your name can be is 50 characters.
You may also want to use the MORE_BYE.LNS file supplied with FORTUNE. To
do this you will need a line saying:
SET LINES=c:\fortune\bye.lns;c:\fortune\more_bye.lns
This will tell fortune to get its fortunes from both files.
What Data File should I Use?
By using the enviroment variable LINES, you can tell fortune where to
find the BYE.LNS file. If you want to use a different name (other than
BYE.LNS), you can specify that here too. For example, if you keep the BYE.LNS
file in your UTILS directory, the command would be
If you omit the directory the file is in, Fortune will search the path to
try and find the file.
Many of you may wish to use FORTUNE as the last line of your autoexec
file. The key here is to put FORTUNE in after you have set the time and date.
The reason for doing this is because fortune uses the time and date to generate
its random number.
The command line is of the form FORTUNE {-acdfnprs##} {your_name}. The
switches recognized by FORTUNE are discussed below:
a - Ansi Graphics
This switch tells fortune to use the ANSI graphics device driver
instead of interupt calls to change the screen colors, clear the screen,
b - BBS Style Output. Greeting is "QUOTE OF THE DAY" followed by a quote.
This makes Ansi default on, Clear Screen default Off, and Tell default
to off. Redirect output to capture to your news file.
c - Clean the Sreen before displaying fortune (default).
d - Change Separator Character.
This switch will allow you to change the default separator char
in the BYE.LNS file. The default character is the Null char (^@),
Ascii code 0. You can use the switch in 2 ways.
/d{char} or /d{ascii code}
So, to use the Null Character, you would type /d0 or /d^@.
(Obviously, the ^@ can't be typed in DOS, so you would have to use the
ascii code in this case). See the program FORTCONV to convert FORTUNE's
asscociated BYE.LNS file if you would like to use this option.
If you have a file separated by a blank line, use the switch /d13.
This will tell fortune to correctly read that file.
This switch can ONLY be set through the environment variable
FORTUNE (see below). There is a safeguard built into the switch so if
you do specify a separator character that doesn't appear, FORTUNE will
eventually abort.
f - Use a different BYE.LNS file
For those of you who would prefer to use a filename other than
BYE.LNS, you can do so with this command line switch. This can also
be accomplished using the enviroment variable LINES (e.g. Use the
command SET LINES={filespec}). You can specify Fortune to use more than
one Bye.Lns file by separating each one with a semi-colon.
(NOTE: if the -d parameter is used, all files must be on the same type!)
If you do specify more that one BYE.LNS file, they should all be of
approx. equal size. To add code to check the # of fortunes in each
file and choose the file to use based on that would take too long when
giving a fortune.
h - Turn off Greeting switch to prevent greeting message. This switch
toggles so first occurance turns it off, the next on, etc.
i - Use an index file. See below.
n - Don't clear the screen
This switch will prevent the screen from clearing. This might be
necessary on some MS-DOS machines.
p - Current Position in BYE.LNS file(s).
r - Continual Fortune
This switch will cause FORTUNE to continue giving you fortunes with
about a five second delay between them. Hitting any key will cause
FORTUNE to terminate.
s - So Long Message
If you have some sort of logging out routine, this might be a nice
touch to add to it.
sl- So Long Message and Lock up System
If you have some sort of standard logout routine, you might want to
use this option so that the user WILL have to reboot his system.
t - Instructs FORTUNE to tell you, when printing the fortune, which
Bye.Lns file the fortune came from. Useful only if you are using more
than one Bye.Lns file (Like I do).
u - Don't Use an Index File. See Below.
# - Changes color of text
This switch will cause FORTUNE to display your fortune in some other
color. Enter the number of the color you want.
Your_Name field is simply your name. This field can be omitted if the
environment variable NAME is set to your name. FORTUNE will use the command
line value of your name before it uses the environment value. Additionally,
if you would like to specify your name on the command line and you want to
use multiple words, you must surround your name by quotation marks. This is
not necessary when using the Environment variable NAME. The maximum length
your name can be is 50 characters.
Creating Default Switches
Once you determine the command line switches you like to use, you can set
the Environment variable FORTUNE to those command line switches. So, lets
say you don't like fortune to clear your screen and you like the color 3.
Use the command SET FORTUNE=/n/3 to set these up as defaults. As with all
other environment, these settings can be overridden on the command line.
Using an Index File
FORTUNE, by default, creates an index file for your Bye.Lns file. This
index file is used to create truly random fortunes. Optionally, using the
-u switch you can prevent this use of an index file. The trade off is disk
space vs. randomness. If you use an index file, you are limited to 2500
fortunes per Bye.Lns file. This equates to a Bye.Lns file size of approx.
200k. The current size is 80k. If you do find that you have a file larger
than this, simply split it into two files and use the environment variable
LINES to specify the two file names (see above). Each Index file takes up
7k worth of disk space.
Help can be gotten on the command line by entering FORTUNE ? <return>.
(there have been quite a few!)
1.00 Original version of FORTUNE
2.00 Allowed the bye lines file to be any size and added proper parameter
2.10 In house version.
2.20 Fixed the random number generator to give a number much closer to
a true random number.
3.00 It seems that Turbo Pascal's random number generator uses the clock
in such a way that any number which you seed it with makes no
difference on boot. That is because the clock has only ticked so
many cycles I believe. In any event, I implemented my own random
number generator along with Borland's to give a good number on boot!
3.01 Fixed minor bug for Early morning risers: message was scewed up ...
Hell, I never get up THAT early!
3.10 Seems that the number generator was still having problems in certain
cases. It has been changed to "walk" through the fortune file. This
technique should give much better numbers.
3.20 Added ANSI graphics support and an option to lock up the system after
saying SO-LONG.
3.21 Added /p option to see position in BYE.LNS file. Useful to track how
random fortune is. NOTE: Fortune uses a stepping routine to step
through the BYE.LNS file so be aware of this when looking at the
3.22 Corrected /r option so that BYE.LNS position is updated at the
end of the repeat. Makes for better repeating randomness.
3.30 - Fixed problem with Path definition being longer than 80 characters.
It is now set to 255 characters (the DOS limit).
- Added Environment Variable LINES to specify a file other than the
default BYE.LNS file. Also added command line switch -F to override
the same default file.
- Added Environment Variable FORTUNE to allow setting of default
values. Also added command line switch -c to clear the screen (to be
used to override the no clear screen option set with FORTUNE=).
- Added On-line help information.
3.40 - Added /D option allow changing of separator character in BYE.LNS file.
See above documentation before attempting to use this feature!
- Fortune Now comes with a utility called FORTCONV.COM. This utility
will take a files of bye lines, each one separated by a blank line,
and convert them to Fortune's standard format (each on separated by
a Null Character (^@). See its associated documentation for complete
- Added multiple file capability. Set your environment variable
LINES to all the files you have fortunes in. Seperate each one with
a semicolon (;).
4.00 - In-House version. Never released.
4.01 - In-House version. Never released.
4.02 - Added Indexing Capabilities. This means that all fortunes have an
equal weight. Previously, Fortune choose a random place in the file
and printed that Fortune. This resulted in some fortunes being
displayed more than others. The trade off is disk space. For each
Fortune File, using the indexing method, you must give up 7k. Overall,
this is a very small price to pay for the quality of the fortune you
get. If you would like to use the old method, use the -u switch to
prevent use of the index file. The -i switch turns the indexing
option on (default).
- Optimized the Code a little more
- Worked on the Random Number Generator again (last time).
- Returns ErrorLevel depending on function. An information function
(such as help) returns ErrorLevel 2, an error returns ErrorLevel 1 and
a normal termination is ErrorLevel 0.
- Modified -p switch to give more information about the Bye.Lns file.
- added a help message when using the -r switch.
4.03 - Added the ability to turn of the Greeting message. This switch is a
toggling switch. (e.g. to turn the greeting off, use -h. Another
occurance of it turns the greeting back on)
- Added BBS mode where Fortune will tell print the fortune without
clearing the screen and in ANSI mode. It will also print a more
appropriate message.
4.04 - FORTUNE now looks at the day of the week to and adjusts some of its
messages accordingly.
4.05 - Made fortune print <TABS> as spaces. Bye.Lns can now contain tabs.
4.06 - Added -T switch to cause fortune to tell you which BYE.LNS file
your fortune is coming from (Useful if you use more than one like I do)
4.07 - Had a problem with switches entered like: /r/n - note that there is no
space between. Fortune now will parse this correctly.
- Fixed problem when specifying /r/n: The message was slighty messy.
- Also adjusted greeting message to be "more timely".
- /p parameter now reports on all accessable BYE.LNS file(s).
4.08 - Fixed FORTUNE to allow more than one parameter in FORTUNE environment
variable. It also allows you to put your name is this variable.
Therefor, you could combine all the environment variables into this
single one.
4.09 - Changed Fortune to allow you to use a multiple word name on the
command line. Do this by surrounding the name by quotes. NOTE: Quotes
are not allowed in your name. The maximum length of your name has
been increased from 20 characters to 50 characters.
4.10 - Fixed bug when you used quotes in variable FORTUNE. This has now been
made illegal. If your name is multiple wods you must use NAME=.
Future Versions:
I hope to add some data compression algorithms to cut down on the size of
the Bye.Lns files(s). Mine is now over 300k long. A good compression would
cute that size down to 140k at the most.
And who knows what else ....